IceCube-Upgrade Reconstruction and Simulation Workshop

Ma 14 (M building) (Niels Bohr Institute)

Ma 14 (M building)

Niels Bohr Institute

Blegdamsvej 17, 2100 Copenhagen
D. Jason Koskinen (niels bohr institute), Tom Stuttard (Niels Bohr Institute, IceCube)

The workshop will taken place in room Ma-14 in the (M building) of the Niels Bohr Institute Blegdamsvej campus.

Goals of the workshop:

  1. Centralize and update software relevant for simulation, reconstruction, triggering, and a common event selection
  2. Get IC-Upgrade enthusiasts using the same tools, and coordinate tasks
  3. Provide working time for novices and experts to discuss things face-to-face
  4. Provide time for informal discussions between hardware and software people

The workshop timetable contains roughly 1 day of talks and 3 days available for working together. See the timetable for more details.

Remote connection to the two talk sessions (Monday and Tuesday) is available via zoom:

Registration Form
  • Andrii Terliuk
  • Cristian Jesus Lozano Mariscal
  • Elisa Lohfink
  • Jason Koskinen
  • Joakim Sandroos
  • Joshua Hignight
  • Justin Evans
  • Justin Lanfranchi
  • Kayla Leonard
  • Ken Clark
  • Markus Ahlers
  • Mohamed Rameez
  • Nahee Park
  • Sarah Nowicki
  • Summer Blot
  • Timo Karg
  • Tom Stuttard
  • Wing Yan Ma
  • Étienne Bourbeau
    • Working session Ma 14 (M building)

      Ma 14 (M building)

      Niels Bohr Institute

      Blegdamsvej 17, 2100 Copenhagen

      Goals of the workshop:
      1) Centralize and update software relevant for simulation, reconstruction, triggering, and a common event selection
      2) Get IC-Upgrade enthusiasts using the same tools, and coordinate tasks
      3) Provide working time for novices and experts to discuss things face-to-face
      4) Provide time for informal discussions between hardware and software people

    • Please put all talks and other materials in the IceCube gDrive folder. IceCube gDrive -> Meetings -> Workshops and Meetings -> IceCube-Upgrade Reconstruction and Simulation Ma 14 (M building)

      Ma 14 (M building)

      Niels Bohr Institute

      Blegdamsvej 17, 2100 Copenhagen
    • Talks session Ma 14 (M building)

      Ma 14 (M building)

      Niels Bohr Institute

      Blegdamsvej 17, 2100 Copenhagen

      Zoom connection link:

      Please put all talks and other materials in the IceCube gDrive folder.

      IceCube gDrive -> Meetings -> Workshops and Meetings -> IceCube-Upgrade Reconstruction and Simulation

      • 1
        IC Upgrade overview
        Speaker: Justin Evans
      • 2
        Introduction to the workshop
        Speaker: Jason Koskinen
      • 3
        DOMs and readout overview
        Speaker: Timo Karg
      • 4
        Physics-based readout requirements
        Speaker: Summer Blot
      • 2:50 PM
      • 5
        IC Upgrade calibration overview
        Speaker: Summer Blot
      • 6
        DOM simulation
        Speaker: Nahee Park
      • 7
        Software planning
        Speaker: Alex Olivas
    • Working session Ma 14 (M building)

      Ma 14 (M building)

      Niels Bohr Institute

      Blegdamsvej 17, 2100 Copenhagen

      Goals of the workshop:
      1) Centralize and update software relevant for simulation, reconstruction, triggering, and a common event selection
      2) Get IC-Upgrade enthusiasts using the same tools, and coordinate tasks
      3) Provide working time for novices and experts to discuss things face-to-face
      4) Provide time for informal discussions between hardware and software people

    • Talks session Ma 14 (M building)

      Ma 14 (M building)

      Niels Bohr Institute

      Blegdamsvej 17, 2100 Copenhagen

      Zoom connection link:

      Please put all talks and other materials in the IceCube gDrive folder.

      IceCube gDrive -> Meetings -> Workshops and Meetings -> IceCube-Upgrade Reconstruction and Simulation

      • 8
        Simulation status
        Speaker: Andrii Terliuk
      • 9
        Event selection status
        Speaker: Michael Larson
      • 10
        Direct reco
        Speaker: Sarah Nowicki
      • 2:50 PM
      • 11
        IC Upgrade reconstruction using pegleg
        Speaker: Mohamed Rameez
      • 12
        Gen2 high energy reconstruction
        Speaker: Timo Karg
      • 13
        Retro Reco
        Speaker: Justin Lanfranchi
      • 14
        Analysis status
        Speaker: Tom Stuttard
    • Workshop dinner War Pigs Brew Pub

      War Pigs Brew Pub
    • Working session Ma 14 (M building)

      Ma 14 (M building)

      Niels Bohr Institute

      Blegdamsvej 17, 2100 Copenhagen

      Goals of the workshop:
      1) Centralize and update software relevant for simulation, reconstruction, triggering, and a common event selection
      2) Get IC-Upgrade enthusiasts using the same tools, and coordinate tasks
      3) Provide working time for novices and experts to discuss things face-to-face
      4) Provide time for informal discussions between hardware and software people

    • Working session Ma 14 (M building)

      Ma 14 (M building)

      Niels Bohr Institute

      Blegdamsvej 17, 2100 Copenhagen

      Goals of the workshop:
      1) Centralize and update software relevant for simulation, reconstruction, triggering, and a common event selection
      2) Get IC-Upgrade enthusiasts using the same tools, and coordinate tasks
      3) Provide working time for novices and experts to discuss things face-to-face
      4) Provide time for informal discussions between hardware and software people

      • 15
        Working session
      • 16
        Extensions call
      • 17
        Working session
    • Working session Ma 14 (M building)

      Ma 14 (M building)

      Niels Bohr Institute

      Blegdamsvej 17, 2100 Copenhagen

      Goals of the workshop:
      1) Centralize and update software relevant for simulation, reconstruction, triggering, and a common event selection
      2) Get IC-Upgrade enthusiasts using the same tools, and coordinate tasks
      3) Provide working time for novices and experts to discuss things face-to-face
      4) Provide time for informal discussions between hardware and software people

    • Working session Ma 14 (M building)

      Ma 14 (M building)

      Niels Bohr Institute

      Blegdamsvej 17, 2100 Copenhagen

      Goals of the workshop:
      1) Centralize and update software relevant for simulation, reconstruction, triggering, and a common event selection
      2) Get IC-Upgrade enthusiasts using the same tools, and coordinate tasks
      3) Provide working time for novices and experts to discuss things face-to-face
      4) Provide time for informal discussions between hardware and software people