Course on Therapeutic and Diagnostic Medical Physics

Store Auditorium (Herlev Hospital)

Store Auditorium

Herlev Hospital

Borgmester Ib Juuls vej 1, 2. floor, 2300 Herlev, Denmark
Jens Edmund (Niels Bohr Institute)





Welcome to the homepage of the course on therapeutic and diagnostic medical physics. It is held back-to-back in connection with the The European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO) congress 2022 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

The course duration is four days (Monday through Thursday) with the two first days focusing on radiation therapy (dosimetry and radiobiology)  while the two remaining days focus on the concepts and principles behind medical imaging modalities (CT and MR).  The program for each day follows five sessions according to the format outlined below along with a more detailed content. A detailed program can be found in the lower right corner under the "attachment" icon.

Cancelled! Due to a too low number of registered participants, we unfortunately have to cancel the course.

Session 1.1: Title: Radiation dosimetry. Content: Interactions and cross sections, Absorbed dose, Kerma, exposure, charged particle equilibrium.

Session 1.2: Title: Dose measurements. Content: Ionization chamber and solid state detectors, Depth dose curves, beam qualifiers.

Session 2.1: Title: Basic radiobiology. Content: Radiation interaction with living tissue, cell survival curves, early/late effects, 5 Rs, RBE/OER.

Session 2.2: Title: Fractionation and iso-effects. Content: Dose-response, volume effect and dose-volume-histogram, Linear-quadratic model, EQD2, time-dose-fractionation.

Session 3.1: Title: CT basics and geometry. Content: Description on CT scanner geometry  including fan/cone angle, slice thicknees, intensity and noise considerations and attenuation.

Session 3.2: Title: CT reconstruction. Content: The physics behind CT image contrast, sinograms, forward and simple backward projection, filtered backprojection.

Session 4.1: Title: MR basics and tissue contrast. Content: Nuclear magnetic resonance, spin and precession, magnetic field interaction, T1 and T2 weighted tissue relaxation, Bloch equation.

Session 4.2: Title: MR pulse sequences and imaging. Content: Spin echo pulse sequence, constrast weighting, inversion recovery, gradient-phase-frequency encoding, k- and image space transformation.



  • Monday, May 2
    • Radiation interaction and cross sections