NBI Heavy-Ion Seminar: Multi-particle cumulants from relativistic hydrodynamical at low and high pT

You Zhou (Niels Bohr Institute)

Speaker: Prof. Jacquelyn Noronha-Hostler (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)


Using multi-particle cumulants one can study the collective motion of particles emitted from a relativistic heavy-ion collision. A relativistic hydrodynamic description of the Quark Gluon Plasma produced in heavy-ion collisions naturally produces a hierarchy of multi-particle cumulants that can be used to constrain initial condition models.  However, the interpretation of these multiparticle cumulants is non-trivial in small systems where the nature of the system is still under debate and hydrodynamical models may be far-from-equilibrium.  In this talk I contrast different collective flow observables that either show signs of universal behavior or a hierarchy when scaled by system size for PbPb, XeXe, ArAr, and OO collisions.  I discuss how sensitive multi-particle cumulants are to linear vs. non-linear response across system size. I present future potential observables that might help to distinguish between a Quark Gluon Plasma and other alternative models in small systems. Finally, I discuss how the interpretation of multi-particle observables changes across pT and especially in the context of jets and heavy flavor measurements.


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You Zhou is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: NBI Heavy-ion Seminar (by Prof. Jacquelyn Noronha-Hostler)
Time: Jun 26, 2020 03:00 PM Copenhagen

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      Multi-particle cumulants from relativistic hydrodynamical at low and high pT
      Speaker: Prof. Jacquelyn Noronha-Hostler (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)