18 June 2024
Niels Bohr Building
Europe/Copenhagen timezone


Short talks

18 Jun 2024, 14:20
0-H-154 (ground floor) (Niels Bohr Building)

0-H-154 (ground floor)

Niels Bohr Building


Short talks: Blessings and challenges in teaching Python to freshmen Physicists

  • Kim Lefmann (NBI)

Short talks: I'm Afraid I Can't Do That, Dave: Challenges and Opportunities for Teaching Programming

  • Daniel Spikol (IND/DIKU)

Short talks: Programming and statistics - a happy marriage?

  • Troels Petersen (Niels Bohr Institute)


Professor Kim Lefmann
Associate professor Daniel Spikol
Associate professor Troels C. Petersen

Each speaker talks for 10 minutes and this is followed by 10 minutes of group and plenary discussion.

Presentation materials

Building timetable...