2–7 Jan 2012
Skeikampen (Norway)
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Why and how develop new accelerators?

Not scheduled
Skeikampen (Norway)

Skeikampen (Norway)

THON Hotel


After a pioneering period 1920-1960 accelerator development has been the domain, not of HEP researchers, but of accelerator specialists who primarily see the new accelerators themselves as the interesting objects, not also their use for physic research. Certainly, accelerator technology specialists are absolutely necessary for the development of new accelerators, but one can now also see a trend in High Energy Physics for experimental HEP researchers again taking an interest in the challenging technical problems of the development of, not only new particle detectors, by also of new accelerators. This is probably so because it has become so evident and that we will have to go to even higher energies and luminosities in order to advance the in the field of High Energy Physics research. I my talk I will give an overview of the status and potentialities of ongoing accelerator development projects in the Nordic countries and in Europe.

Primary author

Prof. Tord Ekelöf (Uppsala University)

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