2–7 Jan 2012
Skeikampen (Norway)
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

IPPOG - outreach activites and resources

Not scheduled
Skeikampen (Norway)

Skeikampen (Norway)

THON Hotel


Prof. Farid OULD-SAADA (University of Oslo) Johan Rathsman (Lund University)


We will present IPPOG - the International Particle Physics Outreach Group and some of its activities and resources that it provides. The main emphasis will be on: Masterclasses - where high school students come to the University for one full day to learn about particle physics and analyze real data from the LHC experiments, a new database which collects good examples of materials and other resources for outreach, and the preparation of Discovery packages which aims to provide background material, interviews, animations etc related to potential discoveries at the LHC.

Primary authors

Prof. Farid OULD-SAADA (University of Oslo) Johan Rathsman (Lund University)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.