9–11 Nov 2015
Niels Bohr International Academy
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Data Driven Simulation of Solar CME Eruptions in Comparison with MRX Laboratory Eruption Experiments

10 Nov 2015, 12:15
NBI, Auditorium M

NBI, Auditorium M


Prof. Joerg Buechner (Max-Planck-Institute for Solar System Reserach)


We compare observed CME eruptions with the results of GOEMHD3 numerical simulations of the Solar atmosphere based on data obtained by observations of the Sun and taking into account cross-scale coupling effects of turbulence. We compare our findings with those of current laboratory eruption experiments carried out at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (MRX).

Primary author

Prof. Joerg Buechner (Max-Planck-Institute for Solar System Reserach)

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