19–23 Oct 2009
Aud A (Blegdamsvej) mornings - Canteen (Rockefeller) afternoons. Friday Rockecfeller (auditorium + canteen) all day
Europe/Copenhagen timezone
This elite PhD course in Copenhagen will provide the students with a wide overview of the most advanced statistical methods used for data analysis.

Teachers: Dr. Wouter Verkerke and Prof.Andrew Liddle.
Assistants: Dr. Steen Hansen, Dr. Troels Petersen, Dr. Stefania Xella.

Sponsored by:

The faculty of Natural Science (Copenhagen University)
NBIA (Niels Bohr International Academy)
DARK (Dark Cosmology Centre)

Aud A (Blegdamsvej) mornings - Canteen (Rockefeller) afternoons. Friday Rockecfeller (auditorium + canteen) all day