23–25 Oct 2017
Europe/Copenhagen timezone


The Simons Program for the fall of 2017 is centered around the scientific interests of Simons Visiting Professor Itamar Procaccia. Oct. 23-25 we are hosting a workshop on recent developments in the theory of turbulence.

The workshop is open, but participation is subject to invitation from the organizers. If you wish to participate, please send a mail to Joachim Mathiesen (mathies @ nbi.ku.dk).

Speakers at the workshop include Dwight Barkley, Morten Brøns, Bruno EckhardtNigel Goldenfeld, Björn Hof, Joseph Nimela, Itamar Procaccia, Daniel Lathrop, Masaki Sano and Victor Steinberg.

Organizers: Poul Damgaard, Gaute Linga, Joachim Mathiesen and Itamar Procaccia

Registration for this event is currently open.