30 July 2018 to 2 August 2018
Niels Bohr Institute
Europe/Copenhagen timezone


Talks session

30 Jul 2018, 13:00
Ma 14 (M building) (Niels Bohr Institute)

Ma 14 (M building)

Niels Bohr Institute

Blegdamsvej 17, 2100 Copenhagen


Zoom connection link: https://wipac-science.zoom.us/j/271620461

Please put all talks and other materials in the IceCube gDrive folder.

IceCube gDrive -> Meetings -> Workshops and Meetings -> IceCube-Upgrade Reconstruction and Simulation

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Justin Evans
30/07/2018, 13:00
Jason Koskinen
30/07/2018, 13:15
Timo Karg
30/07/2018, 13:35
Summer Blot
30/07/2018, 14:20
Summer Blot
30/07/2018, 15:30
Nahee Park
30/07/2018, 16:00
Alex Olivas
30/07/2018, 16:15
Andrii Terliuk
31/07/2018, 13:00
Michael Larson
31/07/2018, 13:45
Sarah Nowicki
31/07/2018, 14:30
Mohamed Rameez
31/07/2018, 15:30
Timo Karg
31/07/2018, 15:50
Justin Lanfranchi
31/07/2018, 16:10
Tom Stuttard
31/07/2018, 16:30
Building timetable...