Presentation materials
I am currently testing a model I have implemented in RAMSES which treats individual stars, both in isolated galaxies and cosmological context. In this talk, I will present a new star formation model that samples the IMF fast and accurately, hence allowing for a more sophisticated star-by-star treatment of stellar feedback processes. The model can currently trace stars down to 8 solar masses...
Modelling the formation and evolution of globular clusters in cosmological simulations is a notoriously difficult problem. Due to the extreme differences in scales in space and time required to resolve the star-by-star dynamics of the globular clusters, most simulations presently use sub-grid and semi-analytical models as prescriptions for the globular clusters. Moreover, even if this extreme...
Stars in old stellar clusters lose a non negligible amount of mass during their evolution. This material is then expected to build up a substantial intra-cluster medium. However, the observed gas content in these old stellar clusters is a couple of orders of magnitude below these expectations. We follow the evolution of the stellar wind material thanks to hydrodynamical simulations taking into...
I will detail the implementation of cosmic rays (CR) in Ramses. This numerical method of CRs is based on a fluid description of CRs. The anisotropic diffusion of CRs along magnetic field lines is modeled with an implicit solver. CR streaming instability (CRs streaming down their own gradient at the Alfven velocity) can be solved within the implicit diffusion solver. The so-called diffuse shock...
Strong radiation fields can change the ionization state of metals and hence cooling rates. In order to understand their effects on the momentum transfer from radiation and supernova feedback, we perform a suite of radiation-hydrodynamic simulations with radiation-modulated metal cooling. For this purpose, we pre-tabulate the metal cooling rates for a variety of spectral shapes and flux levels...
Understanding the stellar initial mass function has been a long standing problem in star formation. Recently, a new theory has been proposed that puts forward the idea that tidal forces caused by young stars prevent the formation of other stars within a certain radius. To study this, I ran a set of turbulent box simulations with ramses and analyzed the tidal field around new born stars. This...