Simons Program: New Ideas in Cosmology

Auditorium A (Niels Bohr Institute)

Auditorium A

Niels Bohr Institute

Blegdamsvej 17 DK-2100 Copenhagen

This should be an eclectic meeting with topics ranging from early-universe cosmology to dark matter and dark energy to mathematical relativity. We are inviting a limited number of select speakers from various fields and plan only a few talks per day in order to leave plenty of time for informal discussions..

Confirmed Speakers & Titles

  • Stephon Alexander (Brown): Chern-Simons Gravity
  • Gordon Baym (Illinois): Cosmic magnetic and gravitational effects on primordial neutrino helicities
  • Robert Brandenberger (McGill): Trans-Planckian Censorship, Breakdown of Effective Field Theory and Emergent Cosmology
  • Andreas Burkert (LMU Munich): Properties and Puzzles of Dark Matter Halo Cores
  • Ulf Danielsson (Uppsala University): Better than nothing – a higher dimensional view on quantum cosmology
  • Ruth Durrer (Geneva): Cosmological Magnetic fields: primordial or recent?
  • Glennys Farrar (NYU): Unexpected diversity within the Standard Model, as origin of Dark Matter and g-2 anomaly
  • Anna Ijjas (NYU): Advancing Fundamental Cosmology with Numerical Relativity
  • Slava Mukhanov (LMU Munich): Instantons with Quantum Core
  • Lyman Page (Princeton):New method to measure B-modes
  • Roger Penrose (Oxford University):CCC: Original Motivations and Current Observational Status

The workshop will conclude with a general NBIA Colloquium by Lyman Page on "The gift that keeps on giving: observing the CMB in the post Planck era".

Participation is open, but speakers are by invitation only. If you register for the workshop please note that due to space limitations you have not been accepted before you have received confirmation from NBIA Administrative Officer Michelle Westergaard.

The meeting will take place in the historical Auditorium A of the Niels Bohr Institute.

Organizers: Poul Damgaard, Anna Ijjas, Paul Steinhardt

  • Albert Sneppen
  • Amel Durakovic
  • Anamaria Hell
  • Andrea Maiani
  • Andreas Burkert
  • Andres Luna
  • Anna Ijjas
  • Anne Spiering
  • Charles Steinhardt
  • Charlotte Mason
  • Clara Ferreira Cores
  • Clive Ellegaard
  • Cristian Vergu
  • Daniel D'Orazio
  • David Shlivko
  • David Vizgan
  • Emil Bjerrum-Bohr
  • Giorgi Tukhashvili
  • Glennys Farrar
  • James Creswell
  • Jens Schulenborg
  • Jitze Hoogeveen
  • Johan Samsing
  • Jonathan Bödewadt
  • Lyman Page
  • Mariam Khaldieh
  • Martin Pessah
  • Matt von Hippel
  • Minju Lee
  • Nandita Khetan
  • Niall Gray
  • Paul Steinhardt
  • Pavel Naselsky
  • Poul Damgaard
  • Radoslaw Wojtak
  • Robert Brandenberger
  • Roger Morales
  • Ruth Durrer
  • Simone Vejlgaard Nielsen
  • Sofie Bruun
  • Ulf Danielsson
  • Vadim Rusakov
  • Xin Qian
    • Welcome: by Paul Steinhardt
    • Slava Mukhanov (LMU Munich): Instantons with Quantum Core
    • 12:00
    • Roger Penrose (Oxford University): CCC: Original Motivations and Current Observational Status
    • 14:30
    • Ulf Danielsson (Uppsala University): Better than nothing – a higher dimensional view on quantum cosmology
    • Stephon Alexander (Brown): Chern-Simons Gravity
    • 12:00
    • Anna Ijjas (NYU): Advancing Fundamental Cosmology with Numerical Relativity
    • 14:30
    • Lyman Page (Princeton): New method to measure B-modes
    • Gordon Baym (Illinois): Cosmic magnetic and gravitational effects on primordial neutrino helicities
    • 12:00
    • Glennys Farrar (NYU): Unexpected diversity within the Standard Model, as origin of Dark Matter and g-2 anomaly
    • 14:30
    • Andreas Burkert (LMU Munich): Properties and Puzzles of Dark Matter Halo Cores
    • Robert Brandenberger (McGill): Trans-Planckian Censorship, Breakdown of Effective Field Theory and Emergent Cosmology
    • 12:00
    • Ruth Durrer (Geneva): Cosmological Magnetic fields: primordial or recent?
    • 14:30
    • Colloquium: Lyman Page on 'The gift that keeps on giving: observing the CMB in the post Planck era'
