5–7 May 2021
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Understanding the Triggering of Nor’westers over West Bengal, India

5 May 2021, 16:00
1h 45m


Interactive presentation Modelling and Parameterising Deep Convective Organisation Modelling and Parameterising Deep Convective Organisation


Rituparna Sarkar (Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology)


Every year during premonsoon season, the eastern parts of the Indian subcontinent experiences severe thunderstorms. These mesoscale convective storms are locally known as ‘Kalbaishakhi’ or ‘nor’westers’. To forecast these organized storms with sufficient lead time it is important to know the convective initiation processes responsible for triggering these organized cloud formations. ARW-WRF model version with a cloud resolving horizontal resolution of 1 km has been run using IITM GFS T1534 as initial condition to understand the trigger mechanism. One particular case of thunderstorm has been taken for this study that occurred on 24th February, 2019 over West Bengal, India and Bangladesh. It is observed that there is a distinctive difference between the microphysical processes over the region (Purulia [23º N, 86º E]) where the clouds started to organize with that of a region (Kolkata [22.5º N, 88º E]) where the storm moved after being fully developed. The thermodynamics and near surface dynamic processes over Purulia also show significant changes before and after the storm was triggered. Closely observing low level meteorological features of these regions can help us to identify the trigger mechanisms and will enable more accurate forecasts of thunderstorms.

Primary author

Rituparna Sarkar (Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology)


Dr Parthasarathi Mukhopadhyay (Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology)

Presentation materials