5–7 May 2021
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

From Sugar to Flowers: A Transition of Shallow Cumulus Organization During ATOMIC

7 May 2021, 16:00
1h 45m


Interactive presentation Organisation in Shallow Convection Organisation in Shallow Convection


Pornampai Narenpitak (NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory / CIRES University of Colorado Boulder)


The Atlantic Tradewind Ocean-Atmosphere Mesoscale Interaction Campaign (ATOMIC) took place in January–February 2020. It was designed to understand the relationship between shallow convection and the large-scale environment in the trade-wind regime. Lagrangian large eddy simulations, following the trajectory of a boundary-layer airmass, can reproduce a transition of trade cumulus organization from “sugar” to “flower” clouds with cold pools, observed on February 2–3. The simulations were driven with reanalysis large-scale meteorology and ATOMIC in-situ aerosol data. During the transition, large-scale upward motion deepens the cloud layer. The total water path and optical depth increase, especially in the moist regions where flowers aggregate. Mesoscale circulation leads to a net convergence of total water in the already moist and cloudy regions, strengthening the organization. Stronger large-scale upward motion reinforces the mesoscale circulation and accelerates the organization process by strengthening the cloud-layer mesoscale buoyant turbulence kinetic energy production.

Primary authors

Pornampai Narenpitak (NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory / CIRES University of Colorado Boulder) Dr Jan Kazil (NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory / CIRES University of Colorado Boulder) Dr Takanobu Yamaguchi (NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory / CIRES University of Colorado Boulder) Dr Patricia Quinn (NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory) Dr Graham Feingold (NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory)

Presentation materials