5–7 May 2021
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Lagrangian LES of Cloud Organization from EUREC4A

7 May 2021, 16:00
1h 45m


Interactive presentation Organisation in Shallow Convection Organisation in Shallow Convection


Peter Blossey (University of Washington, Seattle)


The EUREC4A field campaign took place in the subtropical North Atlantic Ocean during January and February 2020. An array of in situ and remote sensing observations of the atmosphere and ocean around Barbados were gathered by an array of platforms including aircraft, ships, satellites and the ground-based Barbados Cloud Observatory. Our focus is on the evolution of marine boundary layer cloud and its organization along quasi-Lagrangian trajectories approaching Barbados. This evolution is studies in 2-3 day long large eddy simulations (LES) along trajectories that follow winds in the marine boundary layer. Large-scale forcing are derived from ECMWF analysis and reanalysis, and the simulations are validated against remote sensing and in situ observations gathered during the campaign.

Early results will be presented at the meeting, including case studies with observed cold pools near Barbados on February 9 and shallow cumulus with broad inversion cloud (i.e., "flowers") in an air mass that arrived near Barbados on February 2nd.

Primary authors

Peter Blossey (University of Washington, Seattle) Roel Neggers (University of Cologne) Salima Ghazayel (University of Cologne) Steven Boeing (University of Leeds) Leif Denby (University of Leeds) Mr Ryan Eastman (University of Washington) Hauke Schulz (Max Planck Institute for Meteorology)

Presentation materials