7–11 Feb 2022
Europe/Copenhagen timezone
A toolkit for students starting research in Astrophysics

Tools for sharing your code and basics of cloud computing

10 Feb 2022, 09:30
Zoom Webinar (online)

Zoom Webinar


send us an email if you haven't received the instruction to connect by February 5th
Telescopes and computers: windows on the early universe


Iary DAVIDZON (NBI/Cosmic Dawn Center)


We will mainly discuss the use of GitHub and Binder to make software more accessible to the astro-community (and beyond).
We might try an interactive example of multi-user code development (repository "fork" and "push request"). In that case, it would be helpful (but not mandatory) if you have a GitHub account already in place.

Primary author

Iary DAVIDZON (NBI/Cosmic Dawn Center)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.