(University of Iceland)
For this tutorial we will use a Jupyter Notebook (stored here) that will run fully online via Binder. However, there is an extra exercise that anyone can download and run on their computer. See instructions below.
Your to-do list before the beginning
Main exercise
- Click on the following link to load the Notebook on your browser: https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/keheintz/SpecAnalysis/HEAD?labpath=DWS20222_specutils.ipynb. It may take a few minutes to start.
- Once the JupyterLab page is up and running, you can use the Notebook without installing software or libraries locally.
Extra exercise (not mandatory)
- Open a Terminal on your computer
- Download the repository with the command
git clone https://github.com/keheintz/SpecAnalysis.git
- Enter the directory:
cd SpecAnalysis
- Install the required package:
pip install VoigtFit
- Launch the interactive Python script:
python VoigtFit_example.py
- Follow the instructions on the interactive window. If the window doesn't pop up, we'll provide assistance during the tutorial to solve the problem.
Primary author
(University of Iceland)