Feb 7 – 11, 2022
Europe/Copenhagen timezone
A toolkit for students starting research in Astrophysics


In preparation for the online event

The DAWN Winter School was originally planned as a mixed (in-person + virtual) event. Now that is fully online, we need to hear from you in order to re-structure the activities in the most efficient way. Thank you in advance for your help!
Will you join the tutorials in real-time or watch the videos later?

No worries about the lectures on Zoom Webinar, which can handle up to 1000 participants. But hands-on tutorials need more attention, especially if all attendees are going to run software online.


"actively" means joining us on an online computational platform (e.g., Google Colab) and run the code in real time.


Which of these options describes best your level?

About the seminar "Cope with stress, and work-life balance during a PhD"

Since this seminar will touch upon sensitive matters, it is very important to know what is the perspective of the intended audience.


The seminar is on Friday, February 11th, at 9h30 CET.


"general" means not related to personal experience

Peer-to-peer open discussion

Thursday afternoon, from 16h10 CET, we would like to have a discussion session without senior speakers (only a facilitator/moderator) where the mic will be open to students. So we need your feedback :)
