``More is different" by P. W. Anderson emphasizes emergent phenomena on a wide range of scales in nature. In BioComplexity, we continuously explore the diversity of complex phenomena in biological, physical and social systems, including pattern formation, complex and chaotic dynamics, fluid dynamics, game theory, networks and econophysics. Collaborations across different disciplines often inspire novel research ideas and directions. We build on our strength of using physics approaches to suggest and perform experiments and models of living systems. The systems range from proteins and gene regulation to larger-scale collective spatiotemporal structure formation.
In this PhD minischool, we exchange ideas in this exciting field to inspire novel research directions.
Current plan:
28/8: Arrival (planned flight: RC 453 28. august 2022 Kastrup - Vágar fráferð (departure) kl.12:25 – koma (arrival) kl.13:40 )
29-31/8: Science
1/9: Excursion (possibly stay at another hotel close to the excursion location)
2/9: Departure (Planned flight: RC 456 02. september 2022 Vágar - Kastrup fráferð (departure) kl.15:00 – koma (arrival) kl.18:05)