25 March 2022
H.C. Ørsted Institute
Europe/Copenhagen timezone
Abstract submission and Registration is now open!

Photometric/astrometric classification of QSOs using machine learning algorithms

25 Mar 2022, 16:05
1h 40m
Hall (H.C.Ørsted Institute)


H.C.Ørsted Institute


Mr Ioannis MageirasMs Marina Koukouvaou


Quasars are manifestations of accreting supermassive blackholes in the centers of galaxies. It is currently uncertain how many quasars there are as quasar selection is known to be biased and incomplete. In this work we use a novel more unbiased quasar selection technique based on machine learning to reach a more reliable and complete census of quasars in a large section of the sky around the northern galactic pole.

Field of study Astrophysics
Supervisor Johan Peter Uldall Fynbo

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