25 March 2022
H.C. Ørsted Institute
Europe/Copenhagen timezone
Abstract submission and Registration is now open!

Examining Kilonova with Expanding Photospheres

25 Mar 2022, 16:05
1h 40m
Hall (H.C.Ørsted Institute)


H.C.Ørsted Institute


Albert Sneppen


The daily X-shooter spectra of AT2017gfo provides the most detailed information of any Kilonova to date. Indeed, the recently discovered spectral signatures of Strontium (Sr) yields constraints on the ejecta density, expansion velocity and potential asymmetry. In this talk, we present the spectral information hidden within the Sr-lines, while applying the methodology of expanding photospheres. Ultimately, this framework provides tight statistical and consistent constraints on the expansion rate of the universe, while probing the asymmetry of the Kilonova explosion.

Field of study Astrophysics
Supervisor Darach Watson

Primary author

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