NBI Heavy-ion Seminar: Insights into the evolution of hadronic collisions with flow observables

Aud. M (NBI)

Aud. M


You Zhou (Niels Bohr Institute)

Title: Insights into the evolution of hadronic collisions with flow observables

Speaker: Dr. Vytautas Vislavicius (Lund University)

Abstract: Anisotropic flow observables in hadronic collisions are one of the critical elements in understanding the production and evolution of Quark Gluon Plasma. This talk reviews the most recent results on anisotropic flow measurements at the LHC energies. In particular, measurements of v2 in Pb--Pb, p--Pb, and pp collisions for various light-flavor particles are discussed and compared to models with and without partonic coalescence. In addition, the measurements of v2 in Pb--Pb collisions using 2nd and higher order cumulants allow for probing the higher moments of the probability density function of the anisotropic flow. Finally, the correlation between v2 and mean transverse momentum 𝑝T is studied in terms of the Pearson Correlation Coefficient. This opens new venues to study nuclear deformation in ultra-central heavy-ion collisions and could provide a tool to identify processes in the pre-QGP phase.


Time: February 9th, 2023, at 11.15 AM.

Location: Aud. A

Zoom: https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/j/67900857087?pwd=RHBRbWt4S2x5a3NLOGNHSHIrM3g4dz09

Meeting ID: 679 0085 7087
Passcode: NBI2023