The Nordic Winter School aims to introduce Ph.D. students, advanced Master's students and Postdocs to current exciting topics in theoretical physics. This year, the school has a particular focus Multimessenger Astrophysics.
The School will feature the following invited guest lecturers:
- Rodrigo Fernández (U. of Alberta): Supernovae, neutron star mergers and nucleosythesis.
- Maya Fishbach (CITA): Compact binary evolution, origin of black holes and their observational properties.
- Matt Nicholl (Queen's U. Belfast): Radiative processes and non-thermal emission from transients and observational properties.
- Evan O'Connor (U. of Stockholm): Microphysics of compact astrophysical sources.
Together with topical lectures by:
- Martin E. Pessah: "(A Crash Course on) Accretion Disks"
- Johan Samsing: "Formation channels for binary black holes"
- Jose M. Ezquiaga: "Gravitational Lensing"
- Daniel J. D'Orazio: "Finding Supermassive Black Hole Binaries"
- Roman Gold "News from the Event Horizon Telescope"
- Asta Heinesen: "Cosmology in the Absence of Metric Symmetries"
- Alessandro Trani "New Insights into the Chaotic 3-body Problem"
The Winter Nordic School attendance will be limited to 40 participants. Please check the Registration page for detailed information about the necessary registration materials. We encourage participants from all nationalities and backgrounds to apply. Young post-docs are encouraged to participate as well. Exceptionally talented M.Sc. students can apply too. In case the 40 participant limit is reached, students will be selected on the basis of the potential opportunities that this PhD School could have for their careers.
The Winter Nordic School takes place at the beautiful Thon Hotel Skeikampen, approximately 40 kilometers north of Lillehammer (200 km north of Oslo). You can find details about the area here.
Transportation between Oslo Airport and the hotel will be provided without cost. All participants are expected to arrange their own travel to and from Oslo.
Organizers (all from The Niels Bohr International Academy):
Irene Tamborra, Johan Samsing, Martin Pessah, Daniel D’Orazio, Poul H. Damgaard, Jose María Ezquiaga, Emil Bjerrum-Bohr.