Aug 12 – 16, 2024
Niels Bohr Institute
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Niels Bohr Institute

Scope of the Workshop

Where and how do black hole binaries form and merge? How can we infer their formation origin using observations of their emitted gravitational wave signal? Can we go beyond the generic measures of mass, spin, and eccentricity?

World experts gather at the Niels Bohr Institute from Aug. 12th-16th, 2024, to discuss new ideas on how to probe the origin of black hole mergers, and other compact binary systems. This especially includes the emerging research direction on how "environmental effects" will leave imprints in the GW signal, such as BBH center-of-mass acceleration, GW lensing and GR modulations, gas-drag force terms, and other external force- or field contributions. We will discuss what modulations we should look for, and what formation channels that will leave large enough imprints in the GW signal to be measured with current and future detectors (LVK/3G/DECIGO/TianQin/LISA,...). Time will further be devoted to discuss new results and approaches to population synthesis codes, models, and theory. Exceptional events from LVK O4 will also be presented.

TOPICS include (but not limited to):

  • Environmental Effects on GWs

  • BH Dynamics and Gas Effects

  • BH Interactions in AGN Disks
  • Population Modeling
  • LVK/LISA GW-form modeling


NOTE: The workshop will occure at the same place and time as the PhD School: "NBIA Summer School on Astrophysical Dynamics of Gravitating Systems", which will provide exceptional oppotunities for the participants to interact with great PhD students from around the world. This will for sure foster new collaborations and ideas.


Participation and Program

The workshop is limited to invited people only, which we hope will lead to an intense and productive time with few talks, but plenty of time to work, collaborate, and enjoy the beautiful areas surrounding the Niels Bohr Institute.


WELCOME to the Niels Bohr Institute

The workshop will take place at the Museum of Natural History. More info to follow.



  • Johan Samsing
  • Daniel J. D'Orazio
  • Lorenz Zwick
  • Alessandro A. Trani
  • Christopher Tiede



  • Johan Samsing <>


This program is supported by