The enormous range of structural and dynamical phenomena accessible to neutron scattering techniques can best be exploited by making use of the complementarity of various experimental approaches with neutrons along with suitable computational modeling. This aspect is not always adequately emphasized, particularly to those who are just beginning to become familiar with the use of neutron scattering methods and the unique aspects of this experimental probe of molecular structure and interactions. Neutron scattering methods are now being employed to systems of increasing complexity (and importance), but such experiments can no longer be adequately interpreted by a simple empirical or phenomenological approach. It has therefore become essential to combine neutron scattering experiments with the appropriate computational study in order to extract the optimal amount of molecular level information from the data.
The main focus of this workshop-school will be the use of SANS/SAXS for structural studies along with that of quasielastic neutron scattering for slow dynamics, and the manner in which molecular dynamics simulations and other types of computational modeling can be utilized for the analysis and interpretation of the experimental data.
Each topic will be introduced by a motivational or tutorial talk on a selected scientific achievement, in such a way that all participants can gain a broader sense of the benefits of the various approaches described. Basic information on the complementary properties of the different types of techniques, their data interpretation, as well as information on recent applications and developments will also be given.
The students will work on a small project and will be guided through the analysis by the respective lecturers. The results from the students’ projects will be presented in a short oral session. In parallel with the school we plan to hold a small but intensive scientific meeting on carefully selected topics of relevance to the school and of current interest.
This workshop is sponsored by the Niels Bohr International Academy and by the PhD School of the University of Copenhagen. There is no fee for the participants.
The school is limited to 20 students to be selected from the applications received. Students that fullfill all the requirements of the classes will get 5 ECTS for this course.
Excursion and conference dinner at The Viking Museum in Roskilde will be sponsored by The European Spallation Source AB.
Organizers: Heloisa N. Bordallo (, Juergen Eckert ( and Lise Arleth (

Local Support: Gitte Michelsen ( and Helle Kiilerich (

Webmaster: Renata B. Silveira