3–4 Oct 2013
Ceremonial Hall University of Copenhagen
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Participant List

196 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Adriano Berni DTU
Alain Aspect Institut Optique
Albert Schliesser Niels Bohr Institute
Alexander Huck DTU
Alisa Javadi Niels Bohr Institute
Amalie Christensen Niels Bohr Institute
Amine Laghaout DTU
Anders Jellinggaard Niels Bohr Institute
Anders Simonsen Niels Bohr Institute - Quantop
Anders Mathias Lunde Niels Bohr Institute
Anders S. Sørensen Niels Bohr Institute
Anders Traberg Hansen Århus University Hospital
Andreas Barg Niels Bohr Institute - Quantop
Andreas Rasmussen Niels Bohr Institute
Andrew Hilliard Institute for Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University
Anna Sanpera Universitat Autònoma Barcelona
Anne Fabricant Niels Bohr Institute
Arno Rauschenbeutel Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology TU Wien
Aske Thorsen Institute for Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University
Atac Imamoglu ETH Zürich
Barbara Kraus University Innsbruck
Ben Mottelson Niels Bohr Institute
Benny Lautrup Niels Bohr Institute
Brian Møller Andersen Niels Bohr Institute
Carlos L. Garrido Alzar LNE-SYRTE - Observatoire de Paris
Carlton M. Caves University of New Mexico
Charalampos Papakonstantinopoulos National & Kapodestrian University of Athens
Charles Marcus Niels Bohr Institute
Charlotte Hviid Niels Bohr Institutet
Christian Bergenfeldt Lund University
Christian Jørgen Spange Olsen Niels Bohr Institute
Christine Heller del Riego Euroscience Open Forum 2014
Christine Muschik ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences
Christine Pepke Pedersen Niels Bohr Institute
Christoffer Møller Niels Bohr Institute
Claudine Haroche ***
Clemens Schäfermeier DTU
Cynthia Tremblay Université de Sherbrooke
Daniel Salart Subils Niels Bohr Institute
David Garcia Niels Bohr Institute
David Gross UCSB
David Mermin Cornell
Elisabeth Giacobino CNRS
Elke Blatt ***
Emil Zeuthen Niels Bohr Institute
Erikas Gaidamauskas Niels Bohr Institute
Eugene Polzik Niels Bohr Institute
Eva Bookjans Niels Bohr Institute
Evren Ataman Kemisk Institute, KU
Ferdinand Kuemmeth Niels Bohr Institute
Finn Berg Rasmussen Niels Bohr Institute
Florentin Reiter Niels Bohr Institute
Francesco De Martini Accademia dei Lincei
Georgios Vasilakis Niels Bohr Institute
Gerardo GAMEZ Bell Lab
Gerd Leuchs Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light
Gerhard Rempe Max Planck Institute, Garching
Guenevere Prawiroatmodjo Niels Bohr Institute
Haitham El-Ella Niels Bohr Institute
Hans Bachor Australien National University
Hans Briegel University Innsbruck
Heidi Lundgaard Sørensen Niels Bohr Institute
Helmut Ritsch University Innsbruck
Heng Shen Niels Bohr Institute
Hongqi Xu Lund Universitet
Hugo Kerdoncuff DTU
Ignacio Cirac Max Planck Institute
Immanuel Bloch Max-Planck Institute of Quantum Optics
Immo Sollner Niels Bohr Institute
Inah Yeo Niels Bohr Institute
Ioan Opris Wake Forest University, USA
Iulia Ceorgescu Nature Physics
Jacob Taylor JQI/NIST
Jacob Friis Sherson Århus Universitet
Jakob Meyer Niels Bohr Institute
Jan Arlt Institute for Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University
Jan W. Thomsen Niels Bohr Institute
Jane Phillips ***
Jean Chu ***
Jean-Baptiste Beguin Niels Bohr Institute
Jeff Kimble Caltech
Jens Paaske Niels Bohr Institute
Jesper Nygård Niels Bohr Institute
Jess Martin Niels Bohr Institute
Joerg Schmiedmayer University of Vienna
Johannes Beil Niels Bohr Institute
John Preskill Caltech
John Rarity University of Bristol
John Renner Hansen Faculty of Science
Jolanta Hansen Aarhus University Hospital
Jonas Neergaard-Nielsen DTU
Julija Knokneryte Institute for Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University
Jörg Helge Müller Niels Bohr Institute
Jørn Bindslev Hansen DTU
Jürgen Appel Niels Bohr Institute
Karsten Flensberg Niels Bohr Institute
Kasper Jensen University of California at Berkeley
Kasper Thue Langkjer Niels Bohr Institute
Katrin Hjort Niels Bohr Institute
Katrine Rasmussen Niels Bohr Institute
Kjetil Børkje Niels Bohr Institute
Klaus Bock European Research Counsil & Euroscience Open Forum 2014
Klaus Mølmer Århus Universitet
Klemens Hammerer University Hannover
Konrad Wölms Niels Bohr Institute
Kristian Høeg Madsen Niels Bohr Institute
Lars Becker-Larsen Documentary Film
Lars Wacker Institute for Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University
Leonardo Midolo Niels Bohr Institute
Liridon Aliti Niels Bohr Institute
Lluis Torner ICFO
Mads Kasper von Borries Niels Bohr Institute
Magnus Ögren Nano Science Center
Marina Hesselberg Niels Bohr Institute
Marius Enachescu University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest
Mark Bason Institute for Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University
Mark Saffman University of Wisconsin
Markus Aspelmeyer University of Vienna
Marta Arcari Niels Bohr Institute
Martijn Wubs DTU
Martin Kühnel Niels Bohr Institute
Martin Leijnse Niels Bohr Institute
Merlin von Soosten Niels Bohr Institute
Michael Drewsen Århus Universitet
Michael Freedman Microsoft
Michael Lukin Harvard
Michael Pepke Pedersen Niels Bohr Institute
Michael Zugenmaier Niels Bohr Institute
Michel Devoret Yale
Miguel Carro Niels Bohr Institute
Mikkel Nørgaard Niels Bohr Institute
Miroslav Gajdacz Institute for Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University
Mogens Jensen Niels Bohr Institute
Mohamed Bourennane Stockholm University
Morgan W. Mitchell ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences
Mrs Knight ***
Mustapha Carab Hussein Niels Bohr Institute
Nicolas Gisin University of Geneva
Niels Israelsen Kristiansen DTU
Nils Byg Jørgensen Institute for Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University
Nils Winter Institute for Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University
Nils O. Andersen Niels Bohr Institute
Nino Ziino Niels Bohr Institute
Pablo Jarillo-Herrero MIT
Patrick Windpassinger Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Pedram Sadeghi Niels Bohr Institute
Per Hedegård Niels Bohr Institute
Peter Dahl Nissen Niels Bohr Institute
Peter Krogstrup Niels Bohr Institute
Peter Lodahl Niels Bohr Institute
Peter Zoller University of Innsbruck
Peter L Knight The Royal Society at Chicheley Hall
Petru Tighineanu Niels Bohr Institute
Philippe Grangier CNRS / Institut d'Optique
Plamen Petrov University of Birmingham
Poul Lindholm Pedersen Institute for Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University
Poul Henrik Damgaard Niels Bohr Institute
Rainer Blatt University of Innsbruck
Rawa Tanta Niels Bohr Institute
Robert Feidenhansl Niels Bohr Institute
Robert Heck Institute for Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University
Rodolphe Le Targat SYRTE, Observatoire de Paris
Romain Mueller Institute for Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University
Sahand Mahmoodian Niels Bohr Institute
Sebastian Maibom Niels Bohr Institute
Serge Haroche Collége de France
Serge Massar Université Libre de Bruxelles
Shailesh Kumar DTU
Stefan Christensen Niels Bohr Institute
Steven Chu Stanford
Subir Sarkar Niels Bohr Institute
Sumanta Das Niels Bohr Institute
Svend E. Rugh Niels Bohr Institute
Sybille Brinkman ***
Søren Stobbe Niels Bohr Institute
Tau Lehmann Niels Bohr Institute
Thomas Fernholz University of Nottingham
Thomas Heimburg Niels Bohr Institute
Thomas Sand Jespersen Niels Bohr Institute
Thorsten Hansen Lund University
Thorvald Wadum Larsen Niels Bohr Institute
Tineke L. van den Berg Lund University
Tobias Kippenberg EPFL
Tolga Bagci Niels Bohr Institute
Tomas Bohr DTU
Tommaso Calarco University Ulm
Tommaso Pregnolato Niels Bohr Institute
Torkild Andersen Århus Universitet
Ulrik Andersen DTU
Willi Carlsen Niels Bohr Institute
William Brinkman Princeton University
William Nielsen Niels Bohr Institute
William Phillips NIST
Wolfgang Ertmer Institute for Quantum Optics, Hannover
Wolfgang Tittel University of Calgary
Yeghishe Tsaturyan Niels Bohr Institute