The fifth workshop and school on ESS Science will focus on the use of sophisticated data analysis methods along with extensive computational modeling to extract as much information as possible from the experimental observations and thereby gain profound scientific insights from scattering experiments.
The future is now. New intense neutron sources and advanced instrumentation will revolutionize the use of neutrons for a wide range of investigations in materials, macromolecules, surface phenomena, condensed matter, and many other systems of significant interest. Both the improved quality of the data collected and the increasing complexity of the materials under study pose a challenge for the optimum extraction of information from these experiments. To reliably and fully interpret the data will require the use of advanced software in data analysis, modeling and close collaboration between experimentalists and theoreticians.

The goal of this workshop-school is to describe the manner in which static and dynamic processes in materials give rise to their neutron scattering profiles.  The school will demonstrate how current data treatment and computational analysis can effectively be used to improve the scientific understanding derived from data obtained on current and next generation of neutron scattering instruments.
Niels Bohr Institutet
Auditorium A
Blegdamsvej 17 2100 København Ø <a href=""></a><br /> &nbsp;

This workshop is sponsored by the PhD School of the University of Copenhagen, the Knud Højgaards Fond, the Niels Bohr International Academy, the Institut Français du Danemark and by the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH. The conference dinner is sponsored by The European Spallation Source ERIC.
There is no fee for the participants, but the school is limited to 20 students to be selected from the applications received. Students that fullfill all the requirements of the classes, take part in the neutron scattering data analysis course and give a short presentation will be credited with 2.5 ECTS points upon completion of this course. Students that submit an experimental report will be credited with 5 ECTS
Details on the PhD course can be found at:
Organizers: Heloisa N. Bordallo (, Pascale P. Deen ( and Juergen Eckert (
Local Support: Gitte Michelsen (
Webmaster: Murillo Longo Martins (