10–11 Dec 2015
Niels Bohr Institute
Europe/Copenhagen timezone
This is a mini-workshop at Niels Bohr Institute with six invited experts in Holography each giving their take on the current status of the subject in a one-hour talk. The meeting is organized so that there is ample time for informal discussions and interaction. The six experts are:
  • Jan de Boer (Amsterdam)
  • Gianluca Grignani (Perugia)
  • Monica Guica (NORDITA and Uppsala)
  • Esko Keski-Vakkuri (Helsinki)
  • Larus Thorlacius (Iceland)
  • Stefan Vandoren (Utrecht)
As a concluding social event we have danish beer tasting as the appropriate ending of the mini-workshop on friday afternoon.

The deadline for registration is November 25. Local attendants that would like to participate are required to register and indicate if they plan to participate in the beer tasting friday afternoon.

Non-local participants are welcome to register and participate as well (as long as space permits), but are responsible for making their own hotel arrangements.

The mini-workshop is made possible with support from the Holograv Network of the European Science Foundation, the Danish Council for Independent Research and the European Union. 

Organizers: Troels Harmark & Niels Obers
Secretary: Pia Kohring
Niels Bohr Institute
Auditorium A