Participant List

15 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Anna Watts U. of Amsterdam
Chris Pethick Niels Bohr Institute and Nordita
Christian Ott Caltech and U. of Copenhagen
Darach Watson Dark Cosmology Centre, U. of Copenhagen
Erik Schnetter Louisiana State U.
Feryal Ozel U. of Arizona
Helle Kiilerich Niels Bohr International Academy
Jacob Trier Frederiksen Niels Bohr Institute
James Lattimer Stony Brook University
Matthias Liebendoerfer U. of Basel
Maximilian Ruffert U. of Edinburgh
Søren Brandt Danish National Space Institute
Thomas Tauris Herlufsholm/U. of Copenhagen
Vicky Kalogera Northwestern U.
W. David Arnett U. of Arizona