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19–23 Oct 2009
Aud A (Blegdamsvej) mornings - Canteen (Rockefeller) afternoons. Friday Rockecfeller (auditorium + canteen) all day
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Model selection and multi-model inference

23 Oct 2009, 09:00
1h 30m
Aud A (Blegdamsvej) mornings - Canteen (Rockefeller) afternoons. Friday Rockecfeller (auditorium + canteen) all day

Aud A (Blegdamsvej) mornings - Canteen (Rockefeller) afternoons. Friday Rockecfeller (auditorium + canteen) all day


Prof. Andrew Liddle (Sussex University)


Techniques for comparison of competing models, model simplicity and predictiveness, Bayesian model selection, computational approaches to model selection, inference in the presence of model uncertainty (multi-model inference), non-Bayesian methods and information theory.

Presentation materials