19–21 Jun 2019
Blegdamsvej 17
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Participant List

48 participants

Quantum Limits of Kowledge

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Albert Schliesser Niels Bohr Institute
Alexia Auffeves CNRS
Andrew N. Jordan University of Rochester
Barbara Drossel Technische Universitaet Darmstadt
Caslav Brukner University of Vienna
Charlotte Hviid Niels Bohr Institute
Christian Joas Niels Bohr Archive
Christoffer Moeller Niels Bohr Institute
Christoffer Østfeldt Niels Bohr Institute
Christopher Fuchs University of Massachusetts Boston
David Mason Niels Bohr Institute
Emil Zeuthen Niels Bohr Institute
Eugene S. Polzik Niels Bohr Institute
Giulia Rubino University of Vienna
Gordon Baym University of Illinois/ NBIA
Hans Briegel University of Innsbruck
Jacob Hastrup DTU
Jan Faye University of Copenhagen
Jeffrey Bub University of Maryland
Jeremy Steeger University of Notre Dame
Jonas Neergaard-Nielsen Technical University of Denmark
Jonatan Bohr Brask Technical University of Denmark
Junxin Chen Niels Bohr Institute
Klaus Molmer University off Aarhus
Klemens Hammerer University of Hannover
Konstantin Tiurev Niels Bohr Institute
Lars Becker-Larsen Film Director
Lee Smolin Perimeter Institute
Markus Aspelmeyer University of Vienna
Massimiliano Rossi Niels Bohr Institute
Matthew Walhout John Templeton Foundation
Matthias Christandl University of Copenhagen
Matthieu Perrenoud University of Geneva
Mauro Dorato University of Rome III
Michał Parniak Niels Bohr Institute
Nicolas Gisin University of Geneva
Nils O. Andersen Niels Bohr Institute
Per Hedegård Niels Bohr Institute
Peter Harremoës Copenhagen Business College
Peter Lodahl Niels Bohr Institute
Rodrigo Thomas Niels Bohr Institute
Ruediger Schack Royal Holloway University of London
Spencer Rogers University of Rochester
Svend Rugh Rødovre Gymnasium
Thomas Müller Universität Konstanz
Timo Zwettler Niels Bohr Institute
Ulrik Andersen DTU Physics
Valerio Scarani National University of Singapore