Practical Information


Registration on Monday June 21 between 9:00-09:30 am will take place in Universitetsparken 5, in SYDENDEN at the end of Vandrehallen. Signs from the Main Entrance will direct you to the Registration Desk.


The welcome reception will take place on Monday June 17 from 5-6 pm in SYDENDEN or outside if the weather permits. Join us for a glas of bubbles and some snacks.


All lectures will take place at the H.C. Ørsted Institute, Universitetsparken 5.

Lectures on Monday and Friday will take in Auditorium 3.

Lectures on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are in Auditorium 5.

Please see map of locations for more information.


Directions to the MATH department from Copenhagen Airport, and several other useful locations, and how to rent a bike, can be found here.


All poster applications have been accepted. Bring your own poster for the poster session on Tuesday June 18 at 5 pm. The poster session will take place at Universitetsparken 5, in SYDENDEN at the end of Vandrehallen. Pizza will be served.

Lunch and Coffee Breaks

Sandwiches will be served every day in the lunch break. 

Coffee/tea and fruit will be served in the breaks in the morning and cake in the afternoon breaks.

All breaks will take place in SYDENDEN at the end of Vandrehallen.

Master Class Dinner

Thursday June 20 from 6-8 pm at Restaurant Food Club, Sortedam Dossering 7C in the courtyard, Copenhagen.

Kayak Tour

Wednesday June 19 at 2:45 pm at Kayak Republic, Børskaj 12, Copenhagen. Bring sun cream, warm clothes, practical shoes and extra clothes, in case you get wet. Kayak Republic has wetsuits and paddlejackets for no extra charge.

Contact Information/Cancellations

Please notify us immediately, if you are unable to attend the Masterclass.
