2–7 Jan 2020
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Releasing 13 TeV Open Data from the ATLAS experiment

3 Jan 2020, 17:00
Thon Hotel (Skeikampen)

Thon Hotel



Even Simonsen Haaland (University of Oslo (UiO))


During 2019 the second release of ATLAS Open Data for educational purposes has been prepared. This release consists of 10 fb$^{-1}$ of $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV data from the ATLAS experiment, along with an extensive set of Monte Carlo simulated samples. In addition to the data, we also release various computing tools, with the aim of making analysis of the dataset more accessible to students. These tools include software frameworks in C++ and python, Jupyter notebooks and Virtual Machines. A wide range of analysis examples, which are meant as starting points for further analysis, have also been prepared. In this talk we give an overview of the dataset and the tools that are being released, as well as some examples of analyses that can be done with the dataset.

Primary author

Even Simonsen Haaland (University of Oslo (UiO))


Farid Ould-Saada (University of Oslo) Eirik Gramstad (Researcher) Magnar Kopangen Bugge (University of Oslo)

Presentation materials