16–20 Aug 2021
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Poster Session

We will have a poster session on Monday evening using the platform Gather.town: https://gather.town/app/Bh2O2E4v4gs361VE/Amplitudes2021 

We have the following poster contributions:

  • Double soft theorem for generalised bi-adjoint scalar amplitudes - Md. Abhisek
  • A New Form of QCD Coherence Using Glauber-SCET - Aditya Pathak
  • The Chirality-Flow Formalism for SM Amplitudes - Andrew Lifson
  • Laplace's Method for the Calculation of Scalar Two-Loop Feynman Diagrams of Elastic Scattering - Anna Mileva
  • Positivity Bounds with Gravity - Anna Tokareva
  • Soft factors in the presence of small negative $\Lambda$ - Arpita Mitra
  • On-Shell Symmetry Breaking and the Higgs Mechanism - Brad Bachu
  • The Wilson Loop - Large Spin OPE Dictionary - Carlos Bercini
  • Underlying simplicity in two dimensional scattering - Davide Polvara
  • Amplituhedron Like Geometries - Gabriele Dian
  • Constructing High-Loop Form Factors Via Color-Kinematics Duality
  • A New Wilson Line Based Action for Gluodynamics - Hiren Kakkad
  • Tree BCJ implies loop BCJ for almost any field theory - Hyingrok Kim
  • Progress in two loop five-point Feynman Integrals - Costas G. Papadopoulos
  • Scattering Amplitudes for Binary Systems beyond GR - Mariana Carrillo Gonzalez
  • Scattering Amplitudes, Worldsheet Associahedra and Root Systems - Nick Early
  • Compton Scattering of Kerr Black Holes - Paolo Pichini
  • Soft gauge Symmetry implies the soft theorem - Patrick Hager
  • Truncated Cluster Algebras & Feynman Integrals with Algebraic Letters - Qinglin Yang
  • Thermalization Phenomena in Quenched Quantum Brownian Motion in De Sitter Space - Sayantan Choudhury
  • Next-to-leading power two-loop functions for the Drell-Yan process at threshold - Sebastian Jaskiewicz
  • Cwebas beyond three loops in multiparton amplitudes - Sourav Pal
  • One-loop polytope from generalized scattering equations -  Subramanya Hegde
  • Protected states in AdSBackgrounds from integrability - Suvajit Majumder
  • Laplace Method for Single-Loop Diagrams of Elastic Proton Scattering - Tetiana Yushkevych
  • Celestial Dual Superconformal Symmetry, MHV Amplitudes and Differential Equations - Yangrui Hu
  • The Wilson-loop dlog Representation for Feynman Integrals -Yichao Tang
  • Wave scattering in Black Hole backgrounds - Yilber Fabian Bautista
  • Reducing one-loop correlators to bases of worldsheet functions - Yong Zhang
  • Bootstrapping the form factors with master integrals - Yuanhong Guo
  • Amplitudes of Planar $ \mathcal{N}=4$ super-Yang-Mills from $\bar{Q}$-equations - Zhenjie Li