5–10 Feb 2022
Thon Hotel Skeikampen
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

SUSY in the sky with gravitons

8 Feb 2022, 20:40
Thon Hotel Skeikampen

Thon Hotel Skeikampen

Hotellvegen 3 2652 Svingvoll NORWAY
Student Talks Student Talks


Gustav Jakobsen


The worldline quantum field theory (WQFT) formalism describes classical gravitational observables including spin effects up to quadratic order in the multipole expansion, and including finite-size corrections. The theory enjoys an N=2 worldline supersymmetry between spin and position degrees of freedom. Recently we have used the WQFT to compute gravitational observables at third Post-Minkowskian (PM) order including quadratic-in-spin effects and radiation-reaction effects. I will discuss this spinning WQFT and our recent 3PM results. I will also consider how our approach is related to other approaches currently used in the PM expansion.

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