Keynote Speakers :
Andreas Salzburger, CERN, staff member and expert in Machine Learning for computational advances in Particle Physics.
Jonathan Taylor, ESS, Head of Management and Software Center Division at the European Spallation Source, Sweden.
Anders Bjorholm Dahl, DTU Compute, Head of Section of DTU Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
Iary Davidzon, DAWN , MSCA Fellow at the Niels Bohr Institute
Panel members :
Parallel session 1: Themes: ML in hardware, and in Experiment control and design
Alberto Nannarelli (DTU/compute) - chair
Andreas Salzburger (CERN)
Stefania Xella (KU/Physics)
Alessandra Camplani (KU/Physics)
Oswin Krause (KU/DIKU)
Parallel session 2: Themes: Data collection, reduction and analysis
Lamar Moore (STFC) - chair
Iary Davidson (KU/Physics)
Markus Ahlers (KU/Physics)
Juan Carlos Santana (KU)
Celine Durniac (ESS)
Toby Perring (STFC)
Jon Taylor (ESS)
Jos Cooper (ISIS)
Mark Hagen
Parallel session 3: Techniques: Unsupervised and reinforced learning
Iary Davidson (KU/Physics) - chair
Juan Manuel Loaiza (JCNS)
Jos Copper (ISIS)
Oleg Ruchayskyi (KU/Physics)
Mark Hagen
Parallel session 4: Techniques: deep NN
Troels Petersen (KU/Physics) - chair
Toby Perring (STFC)
Haixing Fang (DTU)
Oswin Krause (DIKU/KU)
Maher Sahyoun (AU)