May 27 – 28, 2021
Europe/Copenhagen timezone
Transferring innovative methods across scientific boundaries...

FAQ and Latest updates

Latest update: 10/05/2021.

Virtual and in-person attendance

Is this an online conference?

Yes. The entire event will be in streaming, thorough a Zoom Webinar platform. After filling the Registration form you will receive an email with all the information about how to connect (sometimes that email may be filtered into the spam bin). The discussion session on Friday afternoon will be hosted on a regular Zoom Meeting Room (difference between webinar and meeting room is explained here).

We tried very hard to allow also in-venue participation, but unfortunately it was not possible to solve all the organizational challenges for that. Hopefully the next workshop we will meet in person!  



Contributed talks and posters

What is the format of contributed talks?

There are two formats:

  • Classic talk, i.e. a standard presentation of your work with a series of slides (Powerpoint, Keynote, etc).
  • Hands-on presentation, which includes a "live" demonstration of your work in a more interactive fashion. This can be e.g. a Jupyter Notebook, which audience can download and run on their own computer. In the description of each Hands-on presentation (accessible from the timetable) you can find attached file(s) to run it.

Contributed talks (any format) are 20' long. Invited speakers have 35'-40' depending on the format of their presentation.

What is a virtual posters?

Since this is an online event, posters will be pre-recorded presentations of about 4'. These videos will be broadcasted during the workshop and the authors will have the opportunity to answer questions after their video is played. If you click on the corresponding abstract in the timetable, you'll be able to download the virtual poster.