18 November 2020
Niels Bohr Institute
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Scientific Programme

All times are in CET. (-6 to east coast US)

Subject to change until Tuesday Nov 17:

Talks are nominally 10 minutes, with 10 minutes for discussion and changeover.

15:00-15:10 *Introductions

15:10-15:30 *Imre Bartos: (Overview of New Results)

15:30-15:50 *Michela Mapelli: (Possible formation scenarios for GW190521)

-- 15:50-16:00 BREAK --

16:00-16:20 *Maya Fishbach: (What the the data tells us)

16:20-16:40 *Alejandro Vigna Gomez: (Triple binary stellar pathways to compact object mergers)

16:40-17:00 *Samaya Nissanke: (Overview of EM searches in O3)

-- 17:00-17:10 BREAK --

17:10-17:30 *Kyle Kremer: (Dynamical channel. What can/cannot be explained by dynamics)

17:30-17:50 *Barry Mckernan/Saavik Ford: (AGN channel I.)

17:50-18:10 *Zoltan Haiman: (AGN channel II.)

18:10-18:30 *Sophie Schrøder: (Simulating binaries in AGN disks)


18:30-19:00 Workshop Party \partyemoji \maskemoji (Optional discussion, if people still want to talk)