7–11 Feb 2022
Europe/Copenhagen timezone
A toolkit for students starting research in Astrophysics

Cope with stress, and work-life balance during a PhD

11 Feb 2022, 09:30
Zoom Meeting Room (online)

Zoom Meeting Room





*** A dedicated Zoom link for this session has been circulated via email ***

Stress has become part of most students’ academic life. Research shows that approximately one third of PhD students sometimes feel worn out and that their work takes up so much time and energy that it affects their private life. But it does not have to be like that!

By attending the workshop, you will become aware of your own indicators and causes of stress, and gain insights to how to build a repertoire of stress prevention strategies to obtain a batter work-life balance.

After attending the workshop, you can:
 Identify your own stress indicators and know when to act on them
 Be aware of the causes of stress
 Build a repertoire of stress preventions strategies
 Identify your life values and plan accordingly to embrace a work-life balance

These 3 hours include work in groups (Zoom breakout rooms) and active feedback from the audience. Sensitive/personal matters may be discussed, therefore this seminar will not be recorded.

To gain the best experience of the workshop we recommend that you join from a computer or device on which you can download (and use) the material below, and interact on the Mural website (join Mural from this link).

Primary author


Presentation materials