16–19 May 2022
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

A cold pool perturbation scheme to improve convective initiation in convection-permitting models

18 May 2022, 11:15
Public Library (Utrecht)

Public Library


Neude 11, 3512 AE Utrecht, the Netherlands


Mirjam Hirt


Cold pools are essential for organizing and initiating convection. In a recent investigation, we identified several sensitivities of cold pool driven convective initiation to model resolution within hectometer simulations. In particular, a causal graph analysis has revealed that the dominant impact of model resolution on convective initiation is a direct consequence of weak vertical
velocities at the gust fronts, rather than being related to changes in the buoyancy or other properties of the cold pools.
To address this deficiency, we develop a parameterization for convection-permitting models to improve the representation of cold pool gust fronts. We enhance vertical wind tendencies within these gust fronts towards a target vertical velocity based on similarity theory. This parameterization strengthens gust front circulations and thereby enhances cold pool driven convective initiation. Consequently, precipitation is amplified and becomes more organized in the afternoon and evening.

Primary authors

Mirjam Hirt George Craig (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich)

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