NBI teachers workshop

aud 1 and zoom (HCØ)

aud 1 and zoom



Annual NBI teachers workshop to discuss relevant topics regarding education. this year themes : digital media for teaching classes and students activation.

Meeting will be run in a hybrid mode, with registered participants present in aud 1 up to 100 maximum (please register if you plan to come to aud 1),  and all others via  zoom link  https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/j/63342870207?pwd=N213cHJuS2dFWVp6Mjh2aDk1Q3ZTQT09  


37 / 100
  • Anders S. Sørensen
  • Anders Svensson
  • Arnulf Snedker-Nielsen
  • Bo Vinther
  • Brian M. Andersen
  • Børge Svane Nielsen
  • Christine S. Hvidberg
  • Freja Amalie Nørby
  • James Avery
  • James Mead
  • Johan Fynbo
  • Jonathan Melcher
  • Julius Kirkegaard
  • Jørgen Beck Hansen
  • Jørgen Peder Steffensen
  • Kim Lefmann
  • Klaus Mosegaard
  • Luca Galletti
  • Magnus Lykkegaard
  • Marianne Vestergaard
  • Markus Ahlers
  • Matthias Wilhelm
  • Mohammad Youssof
  • Morten Bo Madsen
  • Oliver Sandberg
  • Omar A. Rashdan
  • Peter Ditlevsen
  • Peyman Malekzadeh
  • Radoslaw Wojtak
  • Ricardo Karam
  • Selma Peiter Færch
  • Stine Stenfatt West
  • Sune Halkjær
  • Sune O. Rasmussen
  • Tetiana Kozynets
  • Troels Christian Petersen
  • Troels Haugbølle
    • 13:00 13:20
      Introduction and category A courses announcement 20m
      Speaker: stefania xella (hep)
    • 13:20 13:50
      JMK prize winner announcement and talk 30m
    • 13:50 14:10
      IT learning center : IT support for teachers 20m
      Speaker: Kasper Bergstrøm
    • 14:20 14:50
      Coffe break 30m
    • 14:50 15:00
      Flipped Classroom and activation of students 10m
      Speaker: Anders Sørensen
    • 15:10 16:00
      Extending our teaching methods to include digital media, to enhance the quality of learning 50m

      Hybrid teaching consists of a mixture of digital and on-campus activities, where students may be able to attend on-campus sessions, digital sessions, recordings, etc...
      (presentations plus discussion)

      Speakers: Freja Amalie Noerby, James Avery