3–16 Sept 2022
Lund, Sweden
Europe/Stockholm timezone

NNSP-SwedNess Neutron School 2022, Lund
The Nordic Neutron Science Programme (NNSP) and the Swedish Neutron Education for Science & Society (SwedNess) programme are proud to present the fifth Graduate School on Neutron Scattering. The school will take place in Lund at: Lund University and European Spallation Source (ESS), Partikelgatan 2, 224 84 Lund  Sweden, September 5-16th, 2022 (introduction days September 3th and 4th).
The school is aimed as an introduction for starting Ph.D. students, but Master students and Post-docs are welcome to participate as well.

The school covers an introduction to neutron scattering, with the topics:

  • Principles of scattering and neutron instrumentation
  • Diffraction
  • Small-angle scattering
  • Reflectivity
  • Imaging
  • Inelastic scattering
  • Quasielastic scattering
  • Magnetic diffraction and inelastic scattering
  • Use of polarized neutrons

In addition, there will be inspirational lectures on

  • Neutrons for Life science
  • Neutrons for energy materials
  • Neutrons for industry
  • Neutrons for quantum materials
  • Scientific possibilities at ESS

A coherent set of lecture notes will be available, and there will be frequent use of e-learning for practicals.
The course will start with two optional introductory days, September 3th and 4th, covering the topics:

  • Complex numbers and complex exponentials
  • Fourier transformation
  • Connection between matter and waves
  • Mathematical description of waves in one and three dimensions

We recommend that students from Life Science consider joining the introductory days, while students from Physical Sciences would likely not need to.
The last day of the School will be formed as a small project exam. Upon passing the exam, the students will receive a course diploma. The course organizers have valued the School to 4 ECTS.
More information can be found in the detailed program.
To register please go to registration page.
Deadline for registrations is August 22th.
The school will accommodate maximum 60 students. The course is designed for PhD students early in their studies, but also Msc students and Post Docs can participate. I case of overbooking, participants from the Nordic/Baltic countries have priority. In addition, PhD students have priority over other participants. 
For the Nordic students, the NNSP and SwedNess funds will cover

  • Registration fee
  • Accommodation in single room at a hotel (will be booked by NNSP)
  • Breakfast, lunch, and coffee breaks
  • Welcome reception 4th September and Conference Dinner 9th September
  • Optional leisure activity  
  • Reimbursement of transport to and from the School, economy class flight tickets + bus, maximum 300 EUR.


Please note that

  • Transport must be ordered individually, to be reimbursed later
  • Dinner is not included, except for the two days specified

For special requirements, please contact the School secretariat at:

  • nnsp-adm@nbi.ku.dk

or the individual secretaries:

On behalf of all organizers

  • Kim Lefmann, Univ. Copenhagen (NNSP)
  • Martin Månsson, KTH (SwedNess)




Lund, Sweden