3–16 Sept 2022
Lund, Sweden
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Practical information

This is a map (for invited speakers) (for students) over all the sites in Lund where things are taking place such as the venue adress etc. 

Lunch will be served each day. There will also be breaks with coffee and tea.

The currency used in Sweden is swedish krona. 
Almost all shops accept credit cards, e.g. Visa and MasterCard.

The school is located:

03. - 11. september    LINXS, Contact — LINXS
12. - 16. september    ESS, Partikelgatan 2, 224 84 Lund. Room: Tycho Brahe

IMPORTANT REQUIREMENTS REGARDING ESS: Please read these rules. Your ID is required for acces all days, and the ESS tour has a dress code (see the document) 

Students will be staying at Hotel Finn, Dalbyvägen 20B, 224 60 Lund. Breakfast is included.  Breakfast will be served all days from 7-8 (except saturday it is from 8-9). A times staff are not on site, please use code 0511 on the front door. Once inside, you check in by using the screens in front of you, search on your first and last name together with the day of departure. Follow the instructions on the screen and wait for your arrival note.

Invited speakers will be staying at the Hotel Ideon, Scheelevägen 27, 223 63 Lund.

As part of the summer school there will be a reception to welcome all of you to the summer school on the 4th September. Location: Restaurant Stäket, Stora Södergatan 6, 222 23 Lund.

There will also be a conference dinner on the 9th September. Location: Lundabryggeriets Ölkällare, Bredgatan 25, 222 21 Lund.

September 10th will serve as a day off from the summer school.