Aug 27 – 30, 2012
Niels Bohr International Academy
Europe/Copenhagen timezone


PDF files of the talks.

Three-Dimensional Magnetic Reconnection

YEATES, A. et al.: Measuring 3D Reconnection with a Generalised Flux Function

WILMOT-SMITH, A. et al.: Evolution of magnetic flux in separator reconnection

WYPER, P.: On the Stability of the Torsional Fan Current Sheet of a 3D Magnetic Null Point

PONTIN, D. et al.: Importance of magnetic reconnection at 3D null points in the solar corona

DALMASSE, K. et al.: Existence of two MHD Reconnection Modes in a Solar 3D Magnetic Null-Point Topology

BAREFORD, M. et al.: Patterns of Magnetic Reconnection within Kink-unstable Coronal Loops

JANVIER, M. et al.: Slip-running Reconnection for Solar Post-flare Loops

BUECHNER, J. et al.: Which role does Joule heating play in 3D reconnection at X-ray bright points in the solar corona?

GALSGAARD, K. et al.: Flux emergence in an open field regions - Jet formation and explosive instabilities

Reconnection Topology

PLATTEN, S. et al.: Global 3D Coronal Magnetic Skeleton Configurations through the course of a Solar Cycle

MCCORMICK, J. et al: The Structure and Collapse of Magnetic Separators

HAYNES, A. L. et al.: The skeleton and topology in a model of the Earth's Magnetosphere

Structure and Instabilities of Current Sheets

NICKELER, D. et al.: Fragmentation of current sheets and vortex sheets in stationary incompressible MHD

OTTO, A. et al.: Current Sheet Thinning and Reconnection Onset in Substorms

HESSE, M.: The Impact of Geometry on Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection

Turbulent Reconnection

BARTA, M. et al.: To the problem of scales in solar flares

HORNIG, G. et al: A model for the coronal heating problem

EYINK, G. et al: Spontaneous Stochasticity in MHD Turbulence and Fast Reconnection

NORDLUND, Aa et al.: Scaling Laws for Hierarchical and Turbulent Reconnection

BIRN, J.: Magnetotail reconnection and particle acceleration

EGEDAL, J et al.: Nonlinear Pressure Anisotropy Yielding Multiple Reconnection Regimes

Reconnection in Line-Tied Systems

ZENITANI, S. et al.: Evidence for the dissipation region in magnetotail

PEGORARO, F. et al.: Dynamical Reconnection at the Earth's Magnetopause

GONZALEZ, W. et al.: Variability of observed reconnection events at the magnetopause as a function of solar wind parameters

BIRN, J.: The role of compressibility in energy release and transfer by magnetic reconnection and mechanisms of particle acceleration