24–28 Aug 2009
Niels Bohr International Academy
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

General Information

Niels Bohr International Academy and NORDITA
24-28 August, 2009


 * Location. The meeting takes place in or near Auditorium A at the Niels Bohr Institute, Blegdamsvej 17, starting with registration at 09:00, Monday August 24.  Instructions on how to get there may be found here.

* Philosophy. The meeting is designed as a workshop, not a conference. The aim is to focus on topics of current interest and directions for future work, and to enable people to work together.

 * General programme. The scientific programme will start at 9.30 am each day with a session on a given subject. One person will introduce the subject, to be followed by a number of individual contributions and general discussion. Lunch will be served at no expense to registered participants in the Niels Bohr Institute's canteen at 13.00 every day except Tuesday , when it will be at 12.30. Collect your food from the buffet that is also used by members of the institute.   The lunch includes the buffet and a beverage. To avoid delays in the queue, it is desirable that not everybody should arrive simultaneously.  Please finish your lunch by 14.00, on Tuesday 13.30. Payment is by means of lunch tickets that will be issued to you. (See Helle Kiilerich, room Ba7 if you do not have tickets.) There will be afternoon sessions, some of which will be organized according to participants' wishes.
. * Programme. Information about the programme will be posted on the notice board on the ground floor of the B building, as well as on the home page of the workshop (www.MICRA2009.org ->Timetable).

* Reception. There wll be an informal reception at 17:00 on Monday 24 August in the NBIA area.

* Conference Excursion. On Wednesday, 26 August a trip will be arranged to Lousiana, the museum of modern art north of Copenhagen, where we shall have a buffet meal as well as see the exhibitions.   A sign-up sheet will be found on the notice board. SIGN UP BY MONDAY NOON AT THE LATEST!  Transportation will be by bus, which will leave the institute at 16.00.

* Entry to the buildings.  During the workshop, the main door behind the obelisk will be open.  For people who wish to have access to the building outside office hours there are a few swipe cards that may be obtained by going to Ekspedition (Reception) on the right as you come in the driveway from the street.  MAKE SURE YOU RETURN THE CARD BEFORE LEAVING!

* Desk space is available in Aud. B, Bk2 in the basement of the NBIA building, and on the top floor of the NBIA building.  There is additional space in the library above the main lecture room and in Aud. C when there is not a coffee break.

 * Presentations. To foster an informal atmosphere, use of the blackboard is strongly encouraged.

 *Internet. Wireless connection is possible in most of the institute.  Help with making connections may be found at   http://www.nbi.dk/COMPUTATION/ The WEP/WPA key will be provided on request. There is a limited number of ethernet sockets (access via dhcp). Bring your own ethernet cable. A number of desk-top machines with internet connections are available in Cc3. Userid and password will be provided on request.

*Printers. The printers on the a, b and c floors of the NBIA building are known as "psba" (IP address and "psbb" (IP address  For information about printers in other parts of the building, ask a local person for help.

*Reimbursement. Participants who have been promised reimbursement should contact Helle Kiilerich, (room Ba7, telephone 35 32 52 27) as soon as possible.

*Telephone.  To reach other numbers at the University from telephones at the Institute, you may simply dial the last 5 digits.  To get an outside line, dial 0.

*Restaurants and entertainment 
A short list of local restaurants and cafes is to be found here. For a more extensive listing of restaurants and entertainment, consult Copenhagen This Week, which also has a paper version.

*Acknowledgment.  If publishable work results from your being at the workshop, please put in an acknowledgment to the Niels Bohr International Academy, NORDITA, and the ESF AstroSim and CompStar networks. Also send a reference to the article to helle@nbi.dk.  Thanks!

*Evaluation.  To help us improve the workshops, would you kindly fill out the evaluation form that will be put on the workshop home page.  It is short!

*Contact.  In case of problems, you can phone Chris Pethick (home phone 39 29 91 11, office phone 35 32 52 26).  You could also try the mobile number 50 29 00 99.

(Version of 22.8.09)