3–4 May 2013
Carlsberg Academy
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

The Restricted ECFA meeting on May 3rd in Copenhagen will take place at 
Carlsberg Academy, Gl. Carlsbergvej 15, 1799 Copenhagen V (Please note: entrance from Olivia Hansens Gade) - see map of the area and detailed map
Brewer J.C. Jacobsen's home in the main building at Carlsberg has now been converted to the Carlsberg Academy, where scientific symposia and conferences are being held. In several years it was also used as honorary housing for among others Niels Bohr.The Academy was founded in 1995 at the request of the Carlsberg Foundation.
The meeting will be held in the great hall, called Pompejisalen.

The closed meeting on Saturday May 4th will take place at 
The Niels Bohr InstituteBlegdamsvej 17, 2100 Copenhagen Ø.

Carlsberg Academy