15–20 Jun 2014
Copenhagen, Denmark
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Introduction to Poster Session 1

16 Jun 2014, 15:00
Copenhagen, Denmark

Copenhagen, Denmark


• Study of the target selection methods for AMV derivation of Geo-KOMPSAT Eunhee Lee (presented by Tae-Myung Kim) • Feature tracked winds from moisture fields derived from AIRS sounding retrievals Dave Santek • Investigating AMV and NWP model errors using the NWP SAF monitoring James Cotton • Validation of single-mode and dual-mode Metop AMVs Ákos Horváth • Recent progress in using satellite winds at CMA Wei Han • Kalpana-1 derived water vapor winds from using NCEP first guess forecast fields and its impact on WRF model Ashim Mitra (CHECK) • Evaluation of a new quality control method applied to MODIS and AVHRR winds in the NCEP GDAS/GFS Dave Santek

Presentation materials