15–20 Jun 2014
Copenhagen, Denmark
Europe/Copenhagen timezone


One of the key meteorological parameters for weather forecasting, meteorological studies and climate applications is wind. It has therefore been a major task for the science and operational community to exploit the imagery data from geostationary satellites in order to derive Atmospheric Motion Vectors (AMVs) by tracking observed cloud and moisture features. The globally derived AMV fields are an established and essential product, especially for numerical weather prediction, and are complemented by other satellite-based observations of the atmospheric flow. The biennial International Winds Workshops are the forums used by the International Winds Working Group (IWWG) for co-operation in the operational and research community, and have strongly contributed to the improvement in the quality of the derived wind fields.

Preparations for the Twelfth International Winds Workshop, IWW12, are underway. This workshop will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark and is being hosted by the University of Copenhagen. Professor Aksel Walløe Hansen is the gracious local host and organiser of this meeting. The workshop is being co-organised by the University of Copenhagen, Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI), the National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service (NESDIS) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and EUMETSAT, and is co-sponsored by the JMA, EUMETSAT, NOAA/NESDIS, and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

The Workshop is an opportunity to present advances and new ideas in this specialised field. We therefore encourage participation from all organisations operating meteorological satellites, as well as from data users and the science community. Presentations on operational and experimental wind retrievals from satellite imagery data and their use for Numerical Weather Prediction, nowcasting or in climatological applications are welcome. In addition, research work on wind retrievals from active and passive microwave instruments and active optical systems (lidar) is encouraged.

You are cordially invited to submit a brief abstract for an oral presentation at the Workshop. There may also be an opportunity for some longer keynote presentations within the agenda. Abstracts should be emailed to the local organizer and the IWWG Co-Chairs together with the attached registration form. If you do not wish to make a presentation please mention this on your registration form. The abstract should be in English, approximately one half of an A4 page and provided in electronic form (WORD, RTF or simple text format). In case you are not able to provide your registration or abstract in electronic form please contact Professor Hansen and the IWWG co-chairs. The deadline for the receipt of abstracts and registration is 31 October 2013.

Workshop proceedings will be prepared and placed online shortly after the meeting. The deadline for your final manuscript is 31 July 2014. This will enable the organising committee to provide the final proceedings in a timely manner.

Limited funds are available to help support travel costs and per diem for selected speakers. Financial requests should be addressed to Mr. Jaime Daniels and Dr. Regis Borde (email address as shown on the registration form) by 15 December 2013.

The Workshop will take place at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

Further information about the workshop, including hotel accommodation and visa requirements, will be provided in a second announcement. The information will also be made available on a workshop web page, which will be linked from the IWWG web page at http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/iwwg/iwwg.html .