6–10 Oct 2014
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

root install

Preparation  !!! NEW !!!

Dear students,

For the particle physics part of the ‘advance methods’ course we’ll be using the ‘ROOT’ software environment, which is an integrated data analysis and (C++) programming environment that everyone in particle physics uses.

I will provide inputs for specific exercises during the school, but is it is important that you install ROOT itself on your laptop in advance of the school, since it is a large application and depending on the OS/version on your laptop the installation can take up to 30 minutes.

If you are a HEP student, these instructions are probably overkill, since you all know and use ROOT (but please _do_ make sure you have version 5.34.21 installed and not something much older), but I provide these more detailed instructions for the benefit of the non-HEP participants.

Best regards,


ROOT version to use:
For the school please install the following specific version of ROOT: 5.34.21.
Do _not_ install ROOT version 6.0.X, this is still in the experimental phase

ROOT Installation instructions
The ROOT analysis environment is available for Unix (all flavors), MacOS, and Windows
To install ROOT on your machine please go directly to the download page for version 5.34


The page above contains exhaustive instructions to install ROOT in a variety of ways
(source, binary, git etc etc.)

Below is my personal summary of the full instructions in the link above

If you have a Linux variant, or Mac OSX, I recommend you download the complete source tree

  (click in link with that name in above page), and then compile it yourself. You will find (overly) complete
  instructions if you click on the “Installing ROOT from source link”, but it really amount to this

    1) Untar source file that you downloaded
         unix> tar -xvzf <downloaded_file>

    2) Build executable
         unix> cd root
         unix> ./configure —enable-roofit
         unix> make (or gmake if you have that)

        (the make step will take anywhere between 15 and 45 minutes depending on the speed of your laptop)

    3) Setting up the environment
        unix> . bin/thisroot.sh  (or ‘source bin/thisroot.csh if you use (t)csh)
        unix> root

     Executing the root command should show you flash screen with the ROOT logo and bring you the root command line.
     To test that your installation is complete and usable for the course please execute the following command on the ROOT
     command line

        root> using namespace RooFit ;

     This should result in the printing of a RooFit version banner, confirming that the library loaded. If this worked OK, you
     can now exit ROOT by typing ‘.q’. If you got an error message you probably forgot the ‘—enable-roofit’ flag in step 2),
     if so, go back and rerun configure with the correct setting and rerun make.

* If you have Windows, download the binary installation.

  Scroll to the bottom of the above link with download details, where you will find the Windows binary dowload section.

  —> Please note that you must have Microsoft Visual Studio C++ installed _before_ you install ROOT.

  If you already have VC++ installed, download the ROOT MSI file corresponding to the VC++ version listed (9,10 or 11)

  If you do _not have VC++ installed, click on the ‘no-cost version of Visual Studio’ link to install VC++ 2010 (do _not_ install version 2013)
  You will find the link for VC 2010 if you scroll all the way to the bottom of the Microsoft Visual Studio Page.

  Once the installation of VC 2010 is completed, install the corresponding ROOT binary version (VC 10) using the ‘MSI file'

If you have problems with the ROOT installation:

The easiest and fasted is to post a message detailing the specifics of your installation woes on the ROOT support forum.


You will typically get an answer the same day, but often in about an hour.