17–21 Aug 2009
Niels Bohr International Academy
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

General Information

CompSchool 2009

Summer School on Stellar Collapse, Compact Objects, Supernovae, and Gamma-Ray Bursts

17-21 August, 2009


 * Location. The meeting takes place in or near Auditorium A at the Niels Bohr Institute, Blegdamsvej 17, starting with registration at 9:00, Monday August 17.  Instructions on how to get there may be found here.

 * Lunch.  Lunch will be served at no expense to registered participants in the Niels Bohr Institute's Canteen at 13.00. Collect your food from the buffet that is also used by members of the institute.   To avoid delays in the queue, it is desirable that not everybody should arrive simultaneously.  Payment is by means of lunch tickets that will be issued to you. (See Helle Kiilerich, room Ba7 if you do not have tickets.)

*Breaks.  Refreshments will be available in the NBIA lounge.  To make espresso with the machine, place a cup under the delivery tube, insert a pellet and press one of the buttons on the right-hand side, depending on the amount of coffee you want. Beware! The small paper cups cannot accommodate the amount of coffee delivered if the uppermost button is pressed.

* Reception. There wll be an informal reception at 16:10 on Monday 17 August in the NBIA lounge (Ba9 and Ba10) or in the garden, depending on the weather.

* Conference Barbecue. On Thursday, 20 August a barbecue will be held at the Niels Bohr Institute.  A sign-up sheet will be found on the notice board. SIGN UP BY TUESDAY NOON AT THE LATEST!

* Entry to the buildings.  During the workshop, the main door behind the obelisk will be open.  For those of you who wish to come to the institute outside regular office hours, a few swipe cards are available from Ekspedition (Reception) on the right as you come in the driveway from the street.  MAKE SURE YOU RETURN THE CARD AND THE KEY TO YOUR OFFICE BEFORE LEAVING!

* Desk space. A limited amount of desk space will be available for participants in Aud. B, Bk2, and in the library, which is above the lecture room.

 *Internet. Wireless connection is possible in most of the institute.  Help with making connections may be found at   http://www.nbi.dk/COMPUTATION/ The WEP key is TR1616Blv17. There is a limited number of ethernet sockets (access via dhcp). Bring your own ethernet cable. A number of desk-top machines with internet connections are available in Cc3. Userid and password will be provided on request.

*Printers. The printers on the a and b floors of the NBIA building are known as "psba" (IP address and "psbb" (IP address  For information about printers in other parts of the building, ask a local person for help.

*Reimbursement. Participants who have been promised reimbursement should contact Helle Kiilerich, (room Ba7, telephone 35 32 52 27) as soon as possible.

*Telephone.  To reach other numbers at the University from telephones at the Institute, you may simply dial the last 5 digits.  To get an outside line, dial 0.

*Evaluation.  To help us improve the workshops, would you kindly fill out the evaluation form that may be found on the workshop home page.  It is short!

*Restaurants and entertainment 
A short list of local restaurants and cafes is to be found here. For a more extensive listing of restaurants and entertainment, consult Copenhagen This Week, which also has a paper version.

*Contact.  In case of problems, you can phone Chris Pethick (home phone 39 29 91 11, office phone 35 32 52 26), or Jacob Trier Frederiksen (24 42 85 64).

(Version of 14.8.09)